Worst Excuse Video

Tell a Lie Day is today! Just kidding.. it was yesterday.. or was it? Either way, we’re still going to celebrate it. BYU-Hawaii students share the worst excuses they’ve ever heard including not going to church because their water buffalo would miss them too much… Missionaries get all the good ones, am I right? Let’s keep it…

Best of April Fools

The origins of April Fools day or all fools day are disputed by historians due to a variety of accounts as to the origin. Despite the cloudy beginnings, this day has become a widely accepted American Tradition every April 1st. Perhaps that is because people are often looking for some fun ahead of Tax day in the…

Awkward Moments Day

We’ve all had a moment when we wanted to bury our heads underground because the embarrassment was too much to bear! Well, luckily get a full day to celebrate how incredibly awkward we all are! Sunday March 25th is “Awkward Moments Day”. To give you a heads up and help you celebrate we’re sharing some…