Finals Memes

Finals are approaching the students of BYUH. Some are calm, while others are quickly losing their minds. Finals is a struggle that everyone must go through here at BYUH, so to give you some cheer this Finals season, here are some of our favorite memes about finals!

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Or in other words, I hope everyone else gets a worse grade than you!

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Many of you know these 40 minutes are the best sleep you have ever had during finals.

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Yes, this includes you!

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Some teachers forget that school there are other classes you are taking!

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Using the semester end evaluations as leverage!

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How many of us have spent hours and hours studying only to walk into the test and forget everything! I blame Will Smith.

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We all either know someone like this, or we are like this.

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Walking into the final like..

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“Oh, I think I need to turn this in before I go on break!”

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Enough said!

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You walk in knowing this… might as well just walk out and go to the beach

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The sounds of terror!

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We all have friends who live by this principle!

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Some people think one week in the library is a sacrifice…

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Those people who come and take your favorite spot and just won’t stop talking to their friend about how tired they are.

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That one person in your class

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Don’t worry you are almost there!

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It is done!

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