
Ka Moa is Hawaiian for Chicken

Behind the name:

It took us a little while to come up with the name of our blog. Then, one day we were sitting around brainstorming, and Emmalee thought of looking up different Hawaiian names online, and we came across Ka Moa. Although a bit silly when you think about the meaning but totally appropriate! The three of us found that often the news is a little too depressing. It is getting to point where many do not want to even look at the news because they do not wish to have the negativity that comes with it. While we realize there are many serious and important stories that must be reported, we want to highlight stories that will help bring humor into your day. Our goal is to put a little bit of Ka Moa in your day!

When you think of a chicken, what do you first think of? If you thought of McDonald’s crispy chicken tenders, we’re right there with you! Jokes, but really. You might have thought of a silly, random, funny looking bird just pecking their way through life. That’s what our idea for this blog is all about! We wanted to have a lighthearted, silly, fun, place where people could come and forget about the crazy of their day and just “Ka Moa.”

About our three partners:

Madelyn Giron

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Madelyn is a senior at Brigham Young University Hawaii studying communications hoping to become a journalist. She’s from the Dominican Republic, her favorite color is mustard yellow (pictured above). She hates when people say they like long walks on the beach, why? Because unless you’re really good at staying balanced on the sand, no one likes long walks on the beach!

Emmalee Smith

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Emmalee is a junior biology major from Richmond, Virginia. She’s been on Oahu since 2017 and loves the island life or at least as much as she can get it being a full-time student and working. She loves nature, animals, photography and traveling.

Austen Thompson

Austen Thompson at Shanghai Disney

Austen is a senior at BYU-Hawaii and has lived on Oahu off and on since 2011. He makes every effort he can to see every movie with his lovely wife. He is one of three editors of Ka Moa and is considered the one with dry humor.