Ka Moa Quiz #2

1. Where does the name German Chocolate cake originate?
Sam German
He was an English-American Baker, not German
Sorry, this is a common misconception
The Type of Chocolate used
Sorry incorrect, it is not German Chocolate that is used
2. What was the last letter added to the English alphabet?
In 1524 the letter J was introduced in order to convey the sound of  Yeshua (Hebrew) into English (Jesus)
Sorry, it is the last letter, but not the last letter added
Even though there are fewer words beginning with an X it was still added earlier
3. What board game is not allowed to be played by the British Royal Family?
In the past the royal family has been too vicious in their playing of the game
Sorry, just because their country is one of the most vulnerable on the map does not mean the game is banned
Sorry the classic game is allowed in the Royal household
4. By what name was Uranus known by for almost 70 years prior to being called Uranus?
The Planet of George
Named by Herschel, the inspiration was King George III
Sorry, Sidus just means Star or Planet
I just made that up
5.  What animal can you only gain a hunting license for in Michigan?
The license is issued by Lake Superior State Univeristy
Sorry, Think of something that has four legs
Domestigated Dog
No matter how annoying that little yappy dog next door gets, you cannot get a license to hunt it.
6. What country’s national animal is a unicorn?
This was due to the mythology that the Unicorn was the natural enemy to the lion (the national animal of England)
North Korea
Sorry, their animal is the Chollima, a winged horse from Chinese mythology
Sorry, it is actually the hedgehog for Monoco
7. What animal is not mentioned in the Bible?
Funny, thought they would have been mentioned in Genisis or Exodus
Sorry, mentioned a lot of times
Look up Proverbs 26:11 about a dog returning to its vomit
8. What letter will you not find in a U.S. State name?
Missing for some reason
Sorry, Arizona
Sorry, New Jersey
9. What was the original intention of the tiny pocket on jeans?
Store a pocket watch
Hence the name, it fits perfectly in that tiny pocket
Sorry, thought that is what I use it for today
Small gold pieces
Sorry, but this is wrong.
10. What country did McDonald’s leave in 2009?
Right before it closed, someone bought a burger and it is still on display in a hostile, check out this live webcam of this burger
North Korea
Sorry, there has never been a McDonald’s in North Korea
Sorry, all Mcdonald’s restaurants were closed in 2013, not 2009

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